目前分類:美國好好玩 (110)

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[敗家]Markets & Queenstown Premium Outlets

* Queenstown Premium Outlets 
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* 不怕生的海鳥
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* 港口內的船隻
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* 這個拔拔很讚唷!!
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* 有志同道合的朋友真幸福呀!!
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* 多采多姿的海灘風情
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* 隨性入住的Quality Inn (海景套房唷)
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*飯店是學長挑選的Crowne Plaza Hotels & Resorts
 Visit http://photo.xuite.net/

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* 遠眺自由女神像(Statue of Liberty)
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* Yankee Stadium , NY
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* Fort McHenry National Monument and Historic Shrine.
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* Inner Harbor
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* National Aquarium in Baltimore 
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* Great Falls Park 
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↓ 圖: 硫磺島紀念碑與DC國慶煙火
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5. 第四站 Washington Nationals: Gallery Pl-Chinatown --> Navy Yard

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4. 第三站 China Town:

>Pentagon City  -->  Gallery Pl-Chinatown
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3. 第二站 Simon Mall:  Pentagon  --> Pentagon City
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2. 第一站 Pentagon: Metro Center   -->    Pentagon

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* One Day Pass 的一日票
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